Expanding your Kundalini Life-Force with Methods of Tantra
and the support of Energy Transmission


Weekend open to everyone,
held in English language

Program created and guided by 
Facilitator of Tantra Methods,
Relationships and Intimacy Coach

With the precious support of her beloved
Tantric Bodyworker

I'd love to know when is the next!

Your Life-Force is the main thing to expand when you are longing to make improvements or changes in your life!
Because when you are radiant and alive, that will naturally ripple into all other areas of your existence, leading you to making the most of your life!

We all have Life-Force - also known as Kundalini - in our body, just by the simple fact that we are alive. 
But we often use it at a minimum of its potential. 


Why expanding your Kundalini Life-force?

This is when you experience...

â–Ľ Stuckness and tensions in the body

â–Ľ A feeling that there is no direction or purpose in your life

â–Ľ Misery, frustration, depression

â–Ľ Lack of energy and enthusiasm, boredom

â–Ľ Trapped in emotional entanglements

â–Ľ Limited or absent libido

â–Ľ Tiredness both in the body and/or mind

â–Ľ Misalignment between your daily life and your true essence

â–Ľ Weakness in how you show up in your work and/or relationships

â–Ľ Confusion on your inner and spiritual journey

When we activate Kundalini Life Force, we access a great source of inner energy, which we can use in all aspects of our lives: in sexuality, relationships, work, creativity, and in the expansion of consciousness for those who are on a spiritual path.

In other words, you may experience shifts such as...

✨ A more liberated sexuality

✨ Openness of the heart, living naturally in tune with love, empathy and compassion

✨ Speaking from a space of Truth rather than from a space of ego

✨ Flowing freely through emotions - emotional maturity

✨ Manifesting and creating life in alignment to who you are, being confident and authentic

✨ Expanded pleasure and sensations in your body

✨ Tapping in both your power and vulnerability, embracing all aspects of being human

✨ Holding all contradictions of life with presence

✨ Opening up to your intuition and to clairvoyant capacity

✨ Expansion of consciousness and feeling one with all that is...


… and (oh wow) so much more!

Obviously, each journey is extraordinary and unique, so different people will experience different aspects of inner growth!

It is a joy to welcome you to this weekend, where you are invited to expand your Life-Force potential!

You will embark on the most beautiful exploration (the exploration of your-self) with a group of people on the same path, so that you may support each other on this adventure.
However, each individual experience will be unique: you will move at your rhythm, unveiling your own special gifts and inner growth!

Jharna's gentle guidance, together with her passion and depth, will support you in liberating your inner power, encouraging you embracing your naturally radiant essence.

Whether you are new to this work, or already experienced on your spiritual search, you are welcome to join this journey of self-awareness and liberation, to unveil the potential of your aliveness!

Yes please, let me join the waitlist!

Photo credit Erick Tejas - Satya Devi
Tantra Essence

What is the approach?

Here is a video that explains the two different approaches that we use to work with Kundalini Energy, and a little bit of how this work came to exist as it is now...


In the common knowledge, there are two main ways of working with the expansion of Kundalini Energy in the body :

Active Practices

The worlds of Yoga and Tantra have a long lasting tradition and abundance of methods aimed at learning how to use your body to actively cultivate your Kundalini Life-Force. 
Think for example of Kundalini Yoga.

With these practices, you use your breath, your movements and focus to intentionally grow and direct energy in the body and reach states of bliss.

It is certainly possible to awaken ad expand your own Kundalini with active methods, but it often takes a long time to have tangible results, because you need to train your body and refine with practice and experience.
Energy Transmission

When a facilitator "transfers" energy to the person receiving.
It is actually a resonance, meaning that nothing is moved from A to B, but the frequency of the student starts vibrating at the higher frequency of the master, due to proximity.

In this case, the experience is more passive, in the sense that you only have to relax and surrender to receiving energy, allowing it in your body. 

The process is way faster - sometimes it is a matter of minutes or even seconds before people respond - but your body needs to be ready for such energy shift, and of course, it is not possible to practice it on your own.

What is special about this weekend is that we bring these two formulas together!

Having a solid preparation with life experience and professional trainings in both approaches, Jharna offers a method in which she empowers her students with tools to cultivate their own Kundalini, while supporting the activation with the energy transmission.

In this weekend you will learn how to activate and move your own Kundalini energy, with Tantric methods based on breathwork, movement, liberation of sound, bio-energetics, emotional fluidity, dance, meditation & playful structures… and you will be supported by Jharna with the energy transmission, as a gentle boost that encourages and facilitates the process.

The combination of these methods makes the experience safer than ever, particularly because it is deeply embodied, it empowers each individual to move at their own rhythm, and through the methods of Tantra it takes care of liberating energy channels, so that energy can flow harmoniously in the body.

The blend of these methods is unique in the world, as it combines different professional trainings that Jharna experienced and deepened in the years, together with her own personal practice, receiving the enthusiasm of her own teachers!


And how do we do that?

The journey of your Kundalini awakening is a safe, pleasurable and profound experience when practiced following three important steps:

Removing stagnations
with the use of Breathwork, Movement, Liberation of Emotions and Sound

We will prepare the body to embrace the flow of more energy, by releasing stagnations in your system that are in the way of your Kundalini rising, through embodiment practices.
This will clear the way from obstacles and will support your system in opening up for a pleasant and safe flow of Life-Force.

Cultivating your Life-Force Energy
with methods of Tantra and Bio-Energetics.

You will practice active methods to cultivate your Kundalini Life-Force, by learning how to build up energy and allow it to move in your body.
You can later use these methods at home to invite the flow of energy within your body, without the need of external support.

Opening to receive the Descent of Grace

Once your central channel is clear from stagnations and your vital energy flows easily through your body, it is natural to open your system to the descent of universal energy to move through you. 

You are simply receiving from existence, opening to the spiritual realization that we are one with all that is.
It may sound abstract, but it's undeniable when you experience it in your body.

Practical details


Next in Autumn 2024

Weekend in English language.

Open to all adults: men, women, singles, couples...
Not recommended for pregnant women & people with severe active trauma. To discuss your specific situation, feel welcome to contact us.

We wish to offer a cozy space and individual support,
so availability is limited to 12 people.


9.30am - Start of the day
21.30 - End of the day (approx time)

Intro & morning sessions
Lunch break
Afternoon sessions (with 30 minutes break)
Dinner break
Evening session

10.00am - Start of the day
17.30 - End of activities (approx time)

Morning sessions
Lunch break
Afternoon sessions

Schedule subject to possible slight changes in the new 2024 edition.


The updated costs will be communicated as soon as dates are confirmed


To be informed when the new registration opens, you can put your name on the waiting list at the end of this page.

You will be the first to know, before we share details publicly, so you can reserve you space within our limited availability.


For any additional information, you are welcome to contact us via email:

[email protected]

If you would like to know more about Jharna and her work, you can find her here:


Keep me updated, please...

Get  to know your guides...

Nice to meet you, I'm Jharna! 

If we have ever met before, you probably know how passionate I am when it comes to self-development work, especially when rooted in Tantra and Meditation!
They say about me that I am a free spirit with a deep love for life, but I am also a nature-lover, a dedicated Tantra teacher and a certified Relationships and Intimacy Coach.

At a turning point in my life, I left my home country in search for freedom... little did I know how my life would unfold in the most beautiful and unexpected ways! My adventurous travels across countries and cultures developed into a profound inner exploration, experimenting a variety of spiritual paths around the world.

After becoming one of the very first facilitators of the KAP – Kundalini Activation Process – Method, now known internationally, I had the pleasure to personally collaborate extensively with its founder Venant Wong.
Working side by side in several European countries, I facilitated with him the Kundalini activation of hundreds of people, contributing to spreading the method in the West.
Later on, I led my own workshops in Europe, Asia and Australia, refining and deepening the understanding of the technique, while discovering new depth with its fusion with other paths that I was exploring, particularly with Advaita and Tantra.

Over the years I studied in depth with Ma Ananda Sarita – worldwide renown Tantra Master – graduating in her well recognized international trainings for Tantra Teachers, in which now I offer assistance to new students/teachers in training.
With my Teacher, I embarked on a long and profound journey of self-discovery through the feminine.

Receiving her guidance and inspiration, I discovered the power of Love and Devotion as a spiritual path, and through Tantra I found my personal realization, aligning body, mind and spirit to my deepest essence.

My professional studies extend up to the US, where I accredited at The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, in the VITA™ Method (Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach) created by Layla Martin, officially becoming a trauma-informed "VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationships Coach".

In Vienna, where I live with my beloved Michael, I founded Seeds of Passion Within, where I guide women and couples, privately or in group settings, in learning how to cultivate aliveness, freedom and love in their life, using Tantric methods of Meditation and self-awareness.

Grown up in Italy with a scientific education, and having spent years in Asia on my spiritual search, my work is infused with ancient teachings and tantric traditions of the East, now backed up by modern scientific studies of the West. Becoming a bridge and merging these worlds, my commitment is to offer deep spiritual work, through practical and accessible tools.

The methods that I use in my work include techniques of breathwork, movement, liberation of sound, somatic work, pleasure, rituals and celebrations, playful structures, silent meditation, emotional awareness, dance, massage, Kundalini activation, bio-energetic exercises and much more!

At the moment I offer my work in Europe and Asia, as well as online, as a facilitator in courses, retreats, festivals and private sessions, especially - but of course non limited - to women and couples.

Hello, I'm Michael

Coming from an interdisciplinary natural sciences background, in the last decade some life changing events, curiosity and openness have led me on a path of exploring the more spiritual aspects of life together with a deep self-inquiry and healing.

Ignited by the initiation to Reiki in 2008 my personal seeking has directed me to many different philosophies and teachers, learning various skills and tools with the wish to embody my authentic unique qualities.

Starting from connecting deeply to my own body through Acro-Yoga and dance, meeting Fabiana Pastorini has brought me traveling many times to Rishikesh in India as a participant of Dance for Health and soon after, assisting her in workshops.
Learning the beautiful bodywork of Flow-Nuad from Veni Labi, which combines classic Thai Nuad with Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi elements in a unique meditative experience, I found my true calling and passion for touch and bodywork in individual sessions.

My own self-inquiry led me deeper into the path of Tantra, learning several Tantra Massage techniques, participating and later assisting my teachers in different tantric workshops over the years.
Especially a full one month Tantra Massage Professional Training in Bali with Tantra Essence by Ma Ananda Sarita has fueled the joy of accompanying people on their journey to their fullest potential, through connecting with their body.
More than anything, Kashmiri Massage has become for me the most beautiful and powerful way to do so.

Being in a loving relationship with Jharna is further nourishing not only the wish to experience and exchange the qualities of touch and massage, but also to hold space for the powerful meditation practices that have enriched my own life and now want to be shared with others, bringing more consciousness, self-empowerment and love into the world.

In support of this journey, I am bringing the gift of my big open heart, loving presence, a safe space-holding for processes that might arise, lightness, joy and a deep passion for exploring the magic of our life-force.

Frequently asked Questions

Expanding your Kundalini Life-Force with Methods of Tantra,
and the support of Energy Transmission


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